Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Ok so I know that I haven't blogged in a while but I've been super busy. My goal is to write a post before fall break.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
So I know I haven't blogged in a while. Shit happens. Nothing has really happened in the past few days, it's Bridgewater. But today I did throw up after the movie Apocalypto. It's so gory and disgusting, don't ever watch it. EVER! But there is a certain professor of mine that has been looking MIGHTY fine this week, but that's nothing out of the ordinary :) I'm not going to mention names on here for obvious reasons. I have a ridiculous amount of homework.
On another note today in class one of my super old white conservative professors was talking about Sarah Palin and the death panels, and I just shook my head and said she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about. My professor stared at me in disbelief, which was then followed by his statement that "we do have death panels in this country because we have doctor assisted suicide". I really wish I was making this up.
Dr. Josefson is THE man.
I'm going home this weekend, I'm excited for zucchini :) and apparently Becky and Brooke are planning a game night Saturday night with me. Stoked!
"so tick tock goes the clock inside my head, inside my heart"
"PLEASE seduce him in spanish!" - Sam Cooke
On another note today in class one of my super old white conservative professors was talking about Sarah Palin and the death panels, and I just shook my head and said she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about. My professor stared at me in disbelief, which was then followed by his statement that "we do have death panels in this country because we have doctor assisted suicide". I really wish I was making this up.
Dr. Josefson is THE man.
I'm going home this weekend, I'm excited for zucchini :) and apparently Becky and Brooke are planning a game night Saturday night with me. Stoked!
"so tick tock goes the clock inside my head, inside my heart"
"PLEASE seduce him in spanish!" - Sam Cooke
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Weekend of Busy

So Saturday my sister came down to visit. Yay! :] I had super super fun with her, and the best Italian food ever! She was all about taking pictures of the English building and by the Rebecca Hall sign, then going to Main Street.
I'm going to have to say that the best part was getting lost in Harrisonburg. We used MapQuest directions, enough said. First we thought we missed the Target, so we were like Oh my god where are we?!? But then we found it :] After that adventure in the store we went looking for Chipotle. I'm still upset that it was like RIGHT THERE! Haha, so we drove around for like 20-25 minutes trying to find it--going through construction zones and residential areas when really, all along it was in the shopping center right off 81, just on the other side of it. I was so pissed when I saw that! Haha! And it didn't help that Harrisonburg has NO STREET SIGNS ANYWHERE. Jeeze! :)
Now I am doing all of my homework today because none got done yesterday or Friday night. Poop.
Cavashawn next weekend! :)
"id rather pick flowers instead of fights. and rather than flaunt my style id flash you a smile of clean pearly whites"
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." - John Lennon
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Peepee!
Huzzah! My sister is 26 today. I remember last year we had breakfast at IHOP before school :] but sadly this year there was none of that :[
I get to hang out with her Saturday though, YAY! :D
So last night....what an adventure. After classes I went to H-Burg with the roomie and some friends and was pretty much laughing hysterically the entire time. Outside of Walmart there was a bum holding a sign that said 'traveling broke and ugly anything helps'. I kid you not. Then Brittney and Jess decided to dye their hair....I couldn't really tell a difference with Jessica but Brittney's looks really good. She went from blonde to a reddish-brown. Then spilled lemonade ALL OVER herself upon picking up her phone from the store. Jackpot! :]
She colored Jess's hair while Glee was on, and I have to re-watch that episode because we were laughing too hard at random stuff to hear the tv.
I got $20 in the mail from one of my aunts today :]
Yay for Saturday!
"how long til everyone you know becomes a thrill?"
"oh it's love<3"
I get to hang out with her Saturday though, YAY! :D
So last night....what an adventure. After classes I went to H-Burg with the roomie and some friends and was pretty much laughing hysterically the entire time. Outside of Walmart there was a bum holding a sign that said 'traveling broke and ugly anything helps'. I kid you not. Then Brittney and Jess decided to dye their hair....I couldn't really tell a difference with Jessica but Brittney's looks really good. She went from blonde to a reddish-brown. Then spilled lemonade ALL OVER herself upon picking up her phone from the store. Jackpot! :]
She colored Jess's hair while Glee was on, and I have to re-watch that episode because we were laughing too hard at random stuff to hear the tv.
I got $20 in the mail from one of my aunts today :]
Yay for Saturday!
"how long til everyone you know becomes a thrill?"
"oh it's love<3"
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Yes, I know I've already blogged about it before, but I have my heart set on going. The fact that I watched the movie Chasing Liberty last night didn't help either :]
So I've already started saving some money--slowly, but surely. From now on ALL of my change(as in coins)goes in my piggy bank Pedro. I know it sounds lame and childish, but if there is $5 in Pedro then that is $5 more towards my trip. I've also decided that 2011 is too soon, and that it's going to be summer 2012 when I go.

I'd also really like to hit Egypt and Rome on that trip as well, but at the moment I'm not sure if that is a feasible option for me. The idea of making it a Girl Scout trip has crossed my mind several times, that way I would actually have ways to raise money. If I did that Egypt and Rome might be possible.

Regardless, Prague is in the picture :]
"tell me there's a logic out there leading me to better prepare for the day that something really special might come"
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Ghandi
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Ohhhh Ignorance
Nothing super exciting has really happened here, it's mostly homework, going to the gym, and clubs. But you ready for some more ignorance? Because there seems to be a lot of that at Bridgewater College. The professor that made the socialist crack Monday, he made another one Wednesday. Someone said communism and he took that into 'America is well on the road to socialism'. Ok seriously? You need to stfu. He keeps talking about SOLs and how VAs public learning system is just throwing facts at kids so they can memorize them to pass the test. They regurgitate facts and don't think for themselves or form their own opinions on anything. They don't learn anything. I agree. He went on and on about how that was an education system made for an oppressive govt and all this other stuff. I bit my tongue, because he was making it just too easy to verbally spar with him. Oh really? You think it's oppressive? Well the only reason it's like that is because of your buddy Bush, with The No Child Left Behind Act. Not all Republican ideas are that great. Don't be hatin on my man Obama before you criticize your own people.
So in your eyes which is worse--an oppressive government or a socialist one? You're obviously set in your ways so your mind won't change, but if I had to pick, I'd go with socialism. At least everyone is equal. Too bad for you we don't live in a socialist country.
But I bit my tongue. I have to learn to control my retorts if I'm going to be Sloane's chief of staff one day. *Sigh* ohhh the stupid people...the world would just be so much better off without them.
"Its all about the he says she says bullshit. I think you better quit lettin' shit slip or you'll be leavin with a fat lip"
"Who knows what a chastity belt is? It's like metal underwear with a lock. Right? Nothing's happening there. Not unless you have a blow torch." - Dr. Vuic
So in your eyes which is worse--an oppressive government or a socialist one? You're obviously set in your ways so your mind won't change, but if I had to pick, I'd go with socialism. At least everyone is equal. Too bad for you we don't live in a socialist country.
But I bit my tongue. I have to learn to control my retorts if I'm going to be Sloane's chief of staff one day. *Sigh* ohhh the stupid people...the world would just be so much better off without them.
"Its all about the he says she says bullshit. I think you better quit lettin' shit slip or you'll be leavin with a fat lip"
"Who knows what a chastity belt is? It's like metal underwear with a lock. Right? Nothing's happening there. Not unless you have a blow torch." - Dr. Vuic
Monday, September 7, 2009
So first off I got a new blog template and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. What do you think?
So the thought of actually walking out of class today crossed my mind. So one of my professors was somehow talking about coups and how as long as it's non-violent people in America have the right to overthrow the government if they so desire. Then he was going on about how you could start your own political party with your beliefs, get followers, etc. And then he was like 'yeah, you could do Karl Marx....well, there's no point in advocating socialism because that has been recently instated as our new form of government in America.' Most people laughed but I was like 'Wow. Are you kidding me?' He either didn't hear me or ignored me. A FUCKING PROFESSOR! Is this for real? Jesus! I was so pissed. I still kind of am. Everytime he looked at me for the rest of class I would just glare at him.
Oh! And then he was talking about how he drove by a local hs in Hburg and saw a hummer in the student parking lot and was like 'well there goes the local drug dealer bucks at work.' Seriously dude? What the eff is your deal?!? Ughh!
That's all I've got for now.
Oh, and last week I had one of the best papers in his class. In your face! And i got a B+ on my polysci paper
"don't let me go"
"I am easily satisfied with the very best." - Winston Churchill
So the thought of actually walking out of class today crossed my mind. So one of my professors was somehow talking about coups and how as long as it's non-violent people in America have the right to overthrow the government if they so desire. Then he was going on about how you could start your own political party with your beliefs, get followers, etc. And then he was like 'yeah, you could do Karl Marx....well, there's no point in advocating socialism because that has been recently instated as our new form of government in America.' Most people laughed but I was like 'Wow. Are you kidding me?' He either didn't hear me or ignored me. A FUCKING PROFESSOR! Is this for real? Jesus! I was so pissed. I still kind of am. Everytime he looked at me for the rest of class I would just glare at him.
Oh! And then he was talking about how he drove by a local hs in Hburg and saw a hummer in the student parking lot and was like 'well there goes the local drug dealer bucks at work.' Seriously dude? What the eff is your deal?!? Ughh!
That's all I've got for now.
Oh, and last week I had one of the best papers in his class. In your face! And i got a B+ on my polysci paper
"don't let me go"
"I am easily satisfied with the very best." - Winston Churchill
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
First Day
So I had all five classes today, but it really wasn't too bad because 3 out of 5 ended early. My math class was only 25 minutes long, does not require a calculator, and we do everything in groups. Victory? I think so. And then this morning in polysci the professor was having us define liberal/liberalism and he goes "ok so make sure to put this part in your notes...Rush Limbaugh is an IDIOT! It took all of my will power not to burst out laughing. But hey, you gotta do what the teacher says right? =P
After that all it really was was homework, then this honor code induction, and then a reception at the president's house later tonight. The president of BC, not the United States. Man I wish! Job interview tomorrow! Ok well I have homework, so I'm out.
"eight days a week, i loooooooooooooove you. eight days a week is not enough to show i care"
"Carpe Diem"
After that all it really was was homework, then this honor code induction, and then a reception at the president's house later tonight. The president of BC, not the United States. Man I wish! Job interview tomorrow! Ok well I have homework, so I'm out.
"eight days a week, i loooooooooooooove you. eight days a week is not enough to show i care"
"Carpe Diem"
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