So I realize I said I'd post little tidbits about myself, and some of my quirks that you may not know. That day has come. But first, I'd like to share a little bit about my professor, who is one of the funniest people I've ever met. First off, he eats the entire apple. The only thing that's left is the stem. His rationale? 'The core tastes like the rest of the apple but crunchier' Okay J-man, but what about the seeds? Yeah, he eats those too. He has never seen
The Sandlot which should be a crime. There's more but I can't remember for now.
1. The Twilight freaks in the world really need to find a happy place and stay there. It's one thing to like the books, and watch the movies. There's nothing wrong with that. However, the girls that are like 'omg! I want my man dead sparkling and shiny!' Seriously? Find that happy place. What the hell is wrong with you?
2. I'm a big comic relief person, so I am not amused when people cannot take a joke. Not even like those jokes that are hilarious but you shouldn't tell, just the regular funny ones. They're so awkward that they completely kill the joke by taking it seriously and saying something while everyone else is laughing hysterically. They completely kill the mood. These people need to lighten up every once in a while. Seriously.
3. Two huge pet peeves of mine are when people say that VA is in the south, and when people cannot pronounce nuclear correctly. VIRGINIA IS NOT IN THE SOUTH! Let me say that again. VIRGINIA IS NOT IN THE SOUTH! Yes, we were in The Civil War, but do you realize how long ago that was? I'm sick of hearing people referring to Virginia as 'the confederacy'. Seriously people? It's the 21st fucking century! We have a BLACK president. Catch up with time.
It bugs me when people can't say nuclear correctly. It's at the point where if they say it often enough I can't listen to anything else that person is saying, except how I want to shout nuclear at them. When did people decide to add an extra 'u' in there? There's only one -u in nuclear. Say it with me: NUKE-LEE-ER, not NUKE-U-LAR, Jimmy Carter! Ughh!
4. I'm secretly terrified of lizards. They're unnatural and they freak me out.
5. Extremists for all political parties need to be sterilized.
6. I think I have self-destructive bones throughout my entire body. Mostly with relationships. I've destroyed a couple of good potentials because I was so used to crap and being treated like crap I didn't know how to react to a good thing. It's at the point where there's bad with everything, and if it's not there I'll find it.
7. I love my niece more than life itself.
8. Despite my constant negative reactions to someone suggesting that I read, I actually enjoy reading.
9. I have a soft spot in my heart for John Cusack and his movies, particularly his chick flicks. I think he's a really great actor and he is also really good looking, and I am a sucker for cliche chick flicks. Two of my absolute favorites by him are
Serendipity and
America's Sweethearts. Seriously, they're amazing.
10. I'm a big fan of Robert Frost, and I actually related my life to his poem
The Road Not Taken for an assignment one time
11. I have a tendency to quote music lyrics that reflect my mood, or whatever I'm feeling. This doesn't happen all of the time, but at least 8 times out of 10 when you see music lyrics I picked them for my mood.
12. So I said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm a sucker for cliche chick flicks and romances. 9 times out of 10 when something supercute happens in a show or movie I'll usually get this big stupid grin on my face, go 'awwww', and get butterflies in my stomach. Yeah, I'm that girl.
13. First I would just like to say that I love Journey, they're classic rock. What's not to love about them? Having said that, I CANNOT STAND the song Don't Stop Believin. Yeah, I know, it's like their most popular hit. Here's why that song pisses me off: it's not nearly as epic as everyone thinks it is, and that's the only song by Journey the majority of people know. So they hear that song and they're like 'Omg! I love Journey!' Really? You love them? Can you name just one more of their songs? No, you can't. And do you know why? BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT A TRUE FAN. You're a hoax, a fake. I seriously hate people like this. They hear one song by a band and they're "in love" with that band, when that will be the only song that is ever listened to by that particular band. THIS IS WHY MUSIC SUCKS TODAY! Well, that and also Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers, and Taylor Swift. It's people like this that give music a bad name and only the 'cool' music are the popular hits. Well you know what? Fuck you and your cool music, I'm a real music junkie. Name 5 songs by Journey and then come talk to me. Yeah, that's what I thought. This also applies to any artist/band, not just Journey.
i felt the wind drop beneath us and then we began to fly"Entertainment is necessary just like pooping is necessary" - Dr. Josefson