I love Target. It's my crack. I went shopping for 3 things for school tonight with one of my best friends and ended up getting way more than I planned due to the fabulous prices :] In 4 years Target has only failed me once. Although the trip was overall very successful, I was deeply saddened by the fact that seasons 5&6 of 24 were on like, a mega-sale(I have seasons 1-4) and by the time I reached the shelves they were all sold out :[
This trip to Target was greatly needed after the day I had today. The worst part was sitting in traffic for almost an hour when it should have taken no more than 10 minutes to make the drive. And being tired, hungry and PMSing did NOT help.
On another note my mom just came into my room singing the theme song to Spongebob Squarepants. My niece is adorable.
"now if the world came tumbling down and time stood still then you should know that I'd be there for you my dear"
"This sticker may be dangerous and inconvenient, but I do love Fig Newtons" - Talladega Nights
I don't know what I like more. This post, or the picture of Sam. Classic.