Ok so before I forget---happy almost September. So my friend posted these two links tonight to articles that made me REALLY upset. Not like the upset crying but the angry kind of upset. And I'll post them so you can view them at your discretion.
The first link:
A pastor in Pheonix asked people to join him in praying for President Obama's death. A FUCKING PASTOR. So much for turning the other cheek. I mean seriously, who does this kind of crap? There are presidents that I have despised but I would never wish for them to die. How crazy is this guy? He views it as praying for 'spiritual warfare', not killing. Are you kidding me dude? No wonder you're getting death threats.
And the fact that he said "I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today," is so far out of line. Ted Kennedy was one of the greatest politicians in the Senate. What have you done with your life? I really feel like he should go to jail, but that isn't how things work in the land of the free. It just really bothers me that a religious figure, such as this pastor, is publicly giving interviews about this. I mean if you don't like him, you don't like him. But don't preach for his death. Ughh; I can't deal with this guy anymore...onto the next bozo
The second link:
Bob McDonnell, the Republican candidate for VA governor, slams gays and un-wed marriages. He thesis is pretty much an anti-gay, anti-gender equality movement. He attacks women for working outside the home, claiming they shouldn't be so materialistic with their American Dream. He also attacks gays, and is not willing to give them the same equal rights(or anyone for that matter)that is not a traditional family. Jesus. Talk about a right wing extremist. We CANNOT have this guy as the governor of Virginia. He obviously is still living in the past--which is now just a fantasy that women cannot work and gay people should be ostracized. Welcome to 21st century America dude. Get rid of your 19th century mindset and turn your time machine to the present. things are changing. Gay marriage is legal in some states. We have a black president, and a WOMAN Secretary of State....the third one, actually.
Rip off your security blanket and embrace the change, because it's going to happen. You can either join the movement or get trampled by it.
"they showed up at my door, a gift and a script in each hand. they said hey mr, would you play the part weve planned?"
"I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying." - Barack Obama
Wow. I don't even know how to respond to those articles! But I LOVE your last line dude - "You can either join the movement or get trampled by it." Nice.