This was the name of possibly THE greatest sessions of my life. It was an info session on the college life and how people don't realize just how deadly tylenol and beer are and like all that stuff. The lady doing it was really good, and REALLY funny. She gave the greatest sex talk of my entire life, no joke. She put a condom on the microphone she was using and told us that condoms remind her of little elf hats. I'm not making this up.
She refers to sex as 'that wet n wild thing' and told us "if it's wet and it's not yours, don't touch it."
Then she was telling us about how this girl had a condom stuck in her vagina and had to go to the emergency room to get it taken out. The NP said she called over to tell the ER people that the girl was on her way, and the lady at the front desk was like "oh well we've had 3 of those this morning" wtf?!?!? I would be SO embarrassed to go to the emergency room for that. Eek!
There were lots more funny things from that session, but they are not PG-13, so I won't post them =P
Oh! And did you know that one box of twinkies has a shelf life of 27 years? That's amazing and slightly disgusting at the same time.
That's all for now :)
"tell me that you're alright, everything is alright"
"Winner winner chicken dinner" - 21
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