So I've decided to make a list of all of the random fun facts about me, and all of my little quirks just for amusement. It'll be updated from time to time. Enjoy :)
Disclosure: Several of these are weird and random, but they are legit.
1. Automatic doors make me feel like a jedi
2. I have OCD when there are stray hairs on people. My mind is not at ease until I know for a fact that it is off of them. The first time I took my SAT the kid in front of me had a stray hair latched onto the back of his sweater. I couldn't focus. It would not come off, I tried.
3. I have a ridiculous fear of bridges, and not just the crazy rickety death bridges like the one in Shrek, I mean any bridge. Like when you drive over a bridge in the car, those count too. I close my eyes when that happens, or if I happen to be driving I just have a death grip on the steering wheel
4. When I eat an ice cream sandwich I have to lick the actual ice cream part in a few times around, otherwise I can't eat it.
5. Whenever I go to LaserQuest I pretend like I'm in Star Wars fighting the Death Star robots.
6. Usually when I go hiking I like to pretend like I'm in The Lord of the Rings and and re-enact it as well, adding a few of my own scenes here or there.
7. Listening to boy bands from the 90s is a guilty pleasure.
8. Give me raw meat and I will cease being your friend.
9. I need to be symmetrical. If there is a cut on my left knee but not on my right knee then I feel awkward and walk around like I don't know my place in life until I get used to it.
10. I have a tendency to get attached to and name inanimate objects. For example, my piggy bank is named Pedro, the family car is Olga, and my cell phone is Stellanor.
11. When people chew like cows it makes me want to violently shove whatever they are chewing all the way down their throat.
12. I have to have number lock on when I'm working at a computer, even if I don't use it. It eats away at my soul if it is not on.
13. I think playing in a padded room with a straight-jacket on would be really fun.
That's all I've got for now
"Everybody knows that you don't get out what you put in. Say goodbye to everything you knew, the world's about to turn on you again. There's no hope, except for me and you. But they'll be onto both of us by then, cuz that's just how it goes"
"It's 80 degrees in my mouth, and I don't mean the one up here!" *points to mouth on face* - unlisted source
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Hmm. You're a weirdo. I love it.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to Say #s 3 and 11 are inherited.