Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas
So I know this is a day late, but Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc. etc. Yesterday was pretty flippin sweet. New headlamp = EPIC WIN. I also got my mom addicted to the show Glee. Cat and Angry came over and I'm not sure if there was ever a time when the 5 of us (parents included) weren't laughing. They might be coming over for New Years :) I also get to hang out with my sister today at Starbucks, which is cool because apart from about an hour yesterday I haven't seen her since Thanksgiving. Unacceptable. :)
I also went into D.C. with one of my bffs to go see the Christmas tree, which was fun. We walked everywhere looking for coffee. I hadn't seen her since this summer. That's really it for now.
"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look past the imperfections."
"You and me, we can't be that far cuz your shadow is haunting me, and your shadow is all I see."
I also went into D.C. with one of my bffs to go see the Christmas tree, which was fun. We walked everywhere looking for coffee. I hadn't seen her since this summer. That's really it for now.
"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look past the imperfections."
"You and me, we can't be that far cuz your shadow is haunting me, and your shadow is all I see."
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wow, so I guess it's been like a month since I've been on here. I didn't realize how busy I've been. So I got sick over Thanksgiving break and had to work a crazy long Black Friday shift - that was fun - and then I've been doing a bunch of stuff for finals. I got a B in math for the semester, life is good :) So Glee was fantastic, I'm so happy :D
I'm in Ohio this week visiting my brother, his wife, and my niece. She is ADORABLE! :]
That's it for now, I'm checking out all of the cool stuff that Madison got for Christmas
taking on the day, waiting to escape the thoughts that keep me here today
I'm in Ohio this week visiting my brother, his wife, and my niece. She is ADORABLE! :]
That's it for now, I'm checking out all of the cool stuff that Madison got for Christmas
taking on the day, waiting to escape the thoughts that keep me here today
Monday, November 23, 2009
Ughh, part 2
Ughh. I know I haven't blogged in a while, but there really hasn't been anything great to talk about. This week better be better than the past few I've been having. I'm done with this semester, it needs to be over.
Monday, November 16, 2009
So last week and this weekend sucked. Majorly. I'm ready for this week. And this weekend. JMU babyyyyyyyyyyyy! :]
I'm only here for a week before I have to go home again, ughh. I feel like I go home way too much.
Yesterday was actually a pretty good day, thanks to Kelsey, haha >:D
So idk how many posts I'll have this week, I just remembered that I have a paper due Friday based off a book and I'm only halfway through chapter 2 D:
I don't really have much else to say; it's early and I had incredibly strange dreams where I can't even remember what happened in them.

I'm only here for a week before I have to go home again, ughh. I feel like I go home way too much.
Yesterday was actually a pretty good day, thanks to Kelsey, haha >:D
So idk how many posts I'll have this week, I just remembered that I have a paper due Friday based off a book and I'm only halfway through chapter 2 D:
I don't really have much else to say; it's early and I had incredibly strange dreams where I can't even remember what happened in them.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Please Don't Stop the Rain
If it's gonna be a rainy day
There's nothing we can do to make it change
We can pray for sunny weather
But that won't stop the rain
There's nothing we can do to make it change
We can pray for sunny weather
But that won't stop the rain
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I have to go home this weekend and I would rather not - that is, I would rather not go home due to the circumstances. I don't like them at all. I just want people to leave me alone - don't ask me how I'm doing or if I'm ok or anything like that, just leave me alone. It's how I deal with shit.
"let me feel you carry you higher watch your words spread hope like fire"
"We must teach our children to resolve their conflicts with words, not weapons." - Bill Clinton
"let me feel you carry you higher watch your words spread hope like fire"
"We must teach our children to resolve their conflicts with words, not weapons." - Bill Clinton
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I really wish there was a font larger than that to express how happy I am
I really wish there was a font larger than that to express how happy I am
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Bad Tuesday Night, Hilarious Wednesday
So just gunna start this off by saying I'm still pissed about the election, but not surprised at the results.
Yesterday morning in PSCI we were talking about the election and Dr. J was saying how most people have no idea what the candidates stand for and their opinion is based off of TV ads and appearance. He was like 'Who's the more attractive one - Creigh Deeds or Bob McDonnell? Bob McDonnell. At least that's what most people think, but I can't say myself.....let's ask a woman's point of view!' And when he said this it kind of reminded me of Stepbrothers because he goes 'Carrie! Bob McDonnell or Creigh Deeds! Who would you rather sleep with? Go!' It was SO funny. Then he was talking about how he was endorsed as a family man b.he had his 3 hot daughters on an ad with him and one guy asked how old they were and this other kid was like 'old enough' and Dr. J was like DOWN. Down Trent.
So then in World History Dr. Vuic was like 'we're going to take a break from Muslims today and talk about Christopher Columbus'. Idk, just the way he said it was super duper funny. So he was like showing us this picture of him and he was like look at his hands! They're huge! He could palm a basketball. Now you know that about Christopher Columbus. It was just so random that everyone started laughing hysterically.
Then he started reminding me of Mr. Tarbet because apparently we were taught that everyone before Columbus thought the world was flat and that's just like an epic fail b.apparently Ptolemy knew the world was round. See what I mean? Epic Fail. Vuic was like Ughhhh! He knew it was round! You just had to be there. So then he was like showing us this cartoon clip on youtube and maybe it's because I'm a history geek but idk, the entire class was laughing hysterically and some actually started crying.
This is like the most inaccurate depiction of what happened to the point where it's funny.
I feel like I didn't do this story the justice that it deserves, but sometimes things get lost in translation.
In PDP we were talking about The Patriot Act and how the government reads your e-mails and things like that, and if you object than you're not a patriot. I shook my head and said George Bush and this kid Garrett goes 'that's what happens when you put a republican in office.' WIN.
Classes for next semester:
Effective Writing - 8am MWF
World History Since 1500-10am MWF
Intro to Western Music-11am MWF
Spanish 102-2pm MWF
Intro to Political Philosophy with Dr. J :]
Did you know that A-rod (baseball player) has two portraits of himself as a centaur in his house? *does awkward turtle*
"and tell me that we belong together, dress it up with the trappings of love ill be captivated, ill hang from your lips instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above"
"The harder you fall, the higher you bounce."
Yesterday morning in PSCI we were talking about the election and Dr. J was saying how most people have no idea what the candidates stand for and their opinion is based off of TV ads and appearance. He was like 'Who's the more attractive one - Creigh Deeds or Bob McDonnell? Bob McDonnell. At least that's what most people think, but I can't say myself.....let's ask a woman's point of view!' And when he said this it kind of reminded me of Stepbrothers because he goes 'Carrie! Bob McDonnell or Creigh Deeds! Who would you rather sleep with? Go!' It was SO funny. Then he was talking about how he was endorsed as a family man b.he had his 3 hot daughters on an ad with him and one guy asked how old they were and this other kid was like 'old enough' and Dr. J was like DOWN. Down Trent.
So then in World History Dr. Vuic was like 'we're going to take a break from Muslims today and talk about Christopher Columbus'. Idk, just the way he said it was super duper funny. So he was like showing us this picture of him and he was like look at his hands! They're huge! He could palm a basketball. Now you know that about Christopher Columbus. It was just so random that everyone started laughing hysterically.
Then he started reminding me of Mr. Tarbet because apparently we were taught that everyone before Columbus thought the world was flat and that's just like an epic fail b.apparently Ptolemy knew the world was round. See what I mean? Epic Fail. Vuic was like Ughhhh! He knew it was round! You just had to be there. So then he was like showing us this cartoon clip on youtube and maybe it's because I'm a history geek but idk, the entire class was laughing hysterically and some actually started crying.
This is like the most inaccurate depiction of what happened to the point where it's funny.
I feel like I didn't do this story the justice that it deserves, but sometimes things get lost in translation.
In PDP we were talking about The Patriot Act and how the government reads your e-mails and things like that, and if you object than you're not a patriot. I shook my head and said George Bush and this kid Garrett goes 'that's what happens when you put a republican in office.' WIN.
Classes for next semester:
Effective Writing - 8am MWF
World History Since 1500-10am MWF
Intro to Western Music-11am MWF
Spanish 102-2pm MWF
Intro to Political Philosophy with Dr. J :]
Did you know that A-rod (baseball player) has two portraits of himself as a centaur in his house? *does awkward turtle*
"and tell me that we belong together, dress it up with the trappings of love ill be captivated, ill hang from your lips instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above"
"The harder you fall, the higher you bounce."
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Today has been the worst day I've had since I've gotten to college.
On a completely random note I woke up this morning with a balled up paper towel masking taped onto my finger and I have no idea how it got there. However it happened there was not a band-aid in reach because apparently my finger was bleeding. Hence the paper towel. I guess the masking tape was there so it would stay. Weird.
On a completely random note I woke up this morning with a balled up paper towel masking taped onto my finger and I have no idea how it got there. However it happened there was not a band-aid in reach because apparently my finger was bleeding. Hence the paper towel. I guess the masking tape was there so it would stay. Weird.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Huzzah! So after two months of frustration and working my butt off I finally got an A- on my PSCI quiz. i could've jumped for joy. That's all I really wanted to say. The other night I saw the white clone of Jimi Hendrix wearing a long black Harry Potter robe running across campus in the dark with a drink in his hand. Fun stuff. So I pretty much can't wait until November 13th. Every time I think about it I pee my pants a little bit. Sam is coming!! :D
I just got back from an almost 5&1/2 mile run. I smell. So I shall end this short post to go and take a shower, because there are people in my room and I don't want to torture them anymore, lol. Dr. Josefson makes me laugh hysterically. All the time.
I'm officially in love with the song Escape by Smith Point.
"you could say that i would hope to turn back to your way believing where id run today"
"To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking." - Goethe
I just got back from an almost 5&1/2 mile run. I smell. So I shall end this short post to go and take a shower, because there are people in my room and I don't want to torture them anymore, lol. Dr. Josefson makes me laugh hysterically. All the time.
I'm officially in love with the song Escape by Smith Point.
"you could say that i would hope to turn back to your way believing where id run today"
"To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking." - Goethe
Friday, October 23, 2009
Ohhh College :]

So yesterday on the way to dinner, my friend Kelsey decided to throw this(--->) into a giant tree to see if it would get stuck. She thought it wouldn't. It did. It had her phone, student id, and room key in it. We spent a few minutes throwing rocks and sticks at the branch but nothing worked, so after a few minutes she finally got it down with her shoe. Good times :]
Then at dinner I guess it was this crop hunger thing, but there were a lot of parents there, and A LOT of grandparents. When we walked into the dining hall I honestly thought I had walked into a retirement home. S

Yeah, I videotaped it. :]

Oh, and Madison is already three months old. I'm so excited to see her in December. I love her more than anything in the entire world.
I miss my two best friends. A lot.
"on sleepless roads the sleepless go, may angels lead you in"
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the step at a time" - Joe Girard
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009

This is the first thing I saw when I walked outside today. The best part was that it was locked to the tree so it wouldn't get stolen. I love college.
Recap of the weekend:
the bonfire Friday night

Mom said she thought I was camping with Boy Scouts, lol.
Then there was the homecoming game yesterday, we left at the end of the 3rd quarter and we were up 42-9, so I'm pretty sure we won.
Then last night at like 11 I got super hungry so I went into the kitchen to make something and there were these 2 random guys in there and they were making brownies, and right next to their thing of brownies was a giant bottle of half empty goose. I was kind of giving them this look like are you serious? So they started talking to me and it was then I realized they were crazy stoned. Bloodshot eyes, reaked of weed - the whole deal. So they were telling me that they got really hungry and they wanted to make brownies and after they started making them they realized that they didn't have any of the liquid ingredients needed so they substituted vodka for all the liquids. It was one of the dumbest yet at the same time one of the most pure genius things I've ever seen. It was HILARIOUS. Did I mention that I love college? :] I'm betting they're the ones that locked the bike to the tree.
"I'd walk through hell for you, let it burn right through my shoes these soles are useless without you"
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing" - Walt Disney
Friday, October 16, 2009
Lame. The fact that PDP day even exists just shows how much I am at Bridgewater, haha. Anyway, it's like this giant service learning day at Bridgewater where freshmen go out and do service that no one else would otherwise clearing a lot. And of course, it was pouring yesterday and 40 degrees outside. I had the afternoon shift, so it was off and on. Everyone was freezing in their jeans and hoodies to go into the forest and cut down trees, but me.....I was so hardcore. I whipped out the backpacking clothes.
Long sleeve 50/50 shirt
Zip fleece
Rain Coat
Gloves - work and warmth
A warm hat
An extra pair of pants just in case I was inside
An extra pair of socks
And I took a wetsack and I put a small trash bag inside of it and then put my stuff inside of that so nothing got wet. Hardcore. My mom would have been so proud :]
I did end up going inside, so I DID change my pants, haha. It was still draining though. I got back and took a two and a half hour nap lol.
Long sleeve 50/50 shirt
Zip fleece
Rain Coat
Gloves - work and warmth
A warm hat
An extra pair of pants just in case I was inside
An extra pair of socks
And I took a wetsack and I put a small trash bag inside of it and then put my stuff inside of that so nothing got wet. Hardcore. My mom would have been so proud :]
I did end up going inside, so I DID change my pants, haha. It was still draining though. I got back and took a two and a half hour nap lol.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Back at BC
FAIL. That's what an overwhelming majority of my PSCI class got on their midterm. Josefson was hella pissed, and chewed us out for 10 minutes. He said these were the worst midterms he has ever seen in his 14 years at Bridgewater. It was not pretty. About 5 people (out of 35ish) in the entire class passed. He said for those of you who got a B and above - congratulations. Go and prosper at graduate school and I will do everything in my power to help you get there. I got a B, so I guess that means I'm in the clear? Lol.
Today was my only day of classes for the entire week! I've got a hell of a lot of homework but none of it is due until Monday! :D
Huzzah for health care reform! :]
Random fun fact: there is a place called Keezletown Virginia. The area code is 269.
Oh, and I have recently become OBSESSED with the song Inside by BackDrop. They're actually a really good band - take a couple of minutes to check them out.
"don't tell me that i can't change, i'll win this fight. i'm alright. i'm alright"
"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." - Morrie Schwartz
Today was my only day of classes for the entire week! I've got a hell of a lot of homework but none of it is due until Monday! :D
Huzzah for health care reform! :]
Random fun fact: there is a place called Keezletown Virginia. The area code is 269.
Oh, and I have recently become OBSESSED with the song Inside by BackDrop. They're actually a really good band - take a couple of minutes to check them out.
"don't tell me that i can't change, i'll win this fight. i'm alright. i'm alright"
"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." - Morrie Schwartz
Monday, October 12, 2009
A Tisket, A Tasket
Long time no blog, right? Hellaaaa! Where do I start?
I guess I'll start from my 16 page midterm and take it from there. While writing my midterm I'm pretty sure I got temporary dyslexia from staring at a computer screen for so long. My roommate cracks me up; Dr. Vuic and Dr. Josefson make me laugh to no end.
So I got my wisdom teeth out over fall about a nightmare. It hurt so much, it was ridiculous. I go back to school tomorrow, yay! :]
On the flip side I got to see Mr. Tarbet today!!! :D I forgot just how much that man makes me happy. Its like he seeps joy over to my body. I only got to talk to him for like 25 minutes and I'm still in a fabulous mood. That was four hours ago. I miss him so much, he really just needs to come to Bridgewater. I love that guy like woah. BFF! :) Mr. Lorenz was also there, so that was pretty awesome....until they started swapping stories about me, haha.
I also got to talk to Mr. Bedford and Mrs. Herget at Hylton for a little bit and was amused. All in all it's been a pretty decent day.
I'm not sure if I can fully express just how joyous I am about visiting Tarbet. He makes me so happy it's ridiculous. I almost tackled him when I saw him. :]]]
"And every night I think of you and know that everything’s alright"
Do what you love; fuck the rest.
I guess I'll start from my 16 page midterm and take it from there. While writing my midterm I'm pretty sure I got temporary dyslexia from staring at a computer screen for so long. My roommate cracks me up; Dr. Vuic and Dr. Josefson make me laugh to no end.
So I got my wisdom teeth out over fall about a nightmare. It hurt so much, it was ridiculous. I go back to school tomorrow, yay! :]
On the flip side I got to see Mr. Tarbet today!!! :D I forgot just how much that man makes me happy. Its like he seeps joy over to my body. I only got to talk to him for like 25 minutes and I'm still in a fabulous mood. That was four hours ago. I miss him so much, he really just needs to come to Bridgewater. I love that guy like woah. BFF! :) Mr. Lorenz was also there, so that was pretty awesome....until they started swapping stories about me, haha.
I also got to talk to Mr. Bedford and Mrs. Herget at Hylton for a little bit and was amused. All in all it's been a pretty decent day.
I'm not sure if I can fully express just how joyous I am about visiting Tarbet. He makes me so happy it's ridiculous. I almost tackled him when I saw him. :]]]
"And every night I think of you and know that everything’s alright"
Do what you love; fuck the rest.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Ok so I know that I haven't blogged in a while but I've been super busy. My goal is to write a post before fall break.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
So I know I haven't blogged in a while. Shit happens. Nothing has really happened in the past few days, it's Bridgewater. But today I did throw up after the movie Apocalypto. It's so gory and disgusting, don't ever watch it. EVER! But there is a certain professor of mine that has been looking MIGHTY fine this week, but that's nothing out of the ordinary :) I'm not going to mention names on here for obvious reasons. I have a ridiculous amount of homework.
On another note today in class one of my super old white conservative professors was talking about Sarah Palin and the death panels, and I just shook my head and said she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about. My professor stared at me in disbelief, which was then followed by his statement that "we do have death panels in this country because we have doctor assisted suicide". I really wish I was making this up.
Dr. Josefson is THE man.
I'm going home this weekend, I'm excited for zucchini :) and apparently Becky and Brooke are planning a game night Saturday night with me. Stoked!
"so tick tock goes the clock inside my head, inside my heart"
"PLEASE seduce him in spanish!" - Sam Cooke
On another note today in class one of my super old white conservative professors was talking about Sarah Palin and the death panels, and I just shook my head and said she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about. My professor stared at me in disbelief, which was then followed by his statement that "we do have death panels in this country because we have doctor assisted suicide". I really wish I was making this up.
Dr. Josefson is THE man.
I'm going home this weekend, I'm excited for zucchini :) and apparently Becky and Brooke are planning a game night Saturday night with me. Stoked!
"so tick tock goes the clock inside my head, inside my heart"
"PLEASE seduce him in spanish!" - Sam Cooke
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Weekend of Busy

So Saturday my sister came down to visit. Yay! :] I had super super fun with her, and the best Italian food ever! She was all about taking pictures of the English building and by the Rebecca Hall sign, then going to Main Street.
I'm going to have to say that the best part was getting lost in Harrisonburg. We used MapQuest directions, enough said. First we thought we missed the Target, so we were like Oh my god where are we?!? But then we found it :] After that adventure in the store we went looking for Chipotle. I'm still upset that it was like RIGHT THERE! Haha, so we drove around for like 20-25 minutes trying to find it--going through construction zones and residential areas when really, all along it was in the shopping center right off 81, just on the other side of it. I was so pissed when I saw that! Haha! And it didn't help that Harrisonburg has NO STREET SIGNS ANYWHERE. Jeeze! :)
Now I am doing all of my homework today because none got done yesterday or Friday night. Poop.
Cavashawn next weekend! :)
"id rather pick flowers instead of fights. and rather than flaunt my style id flash you a smile of clean pearly whites"
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." - John Lennon
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Peepee!
Huzzah! My sister is 26 today. I remember last year we had breakfast at IHOP before school :] but sadly this year there was none of that :[
I get to hang out with her Saturday though, YAY! :D
So last night....what an adventure. After classes I went to H-Burg with the roomie and some friends and was pretty much laughing hysterically the entire time. Outside of Walmart there was a bum holding a sign that said 'traveling broke and ugly anything helps'. I kid you not. Then Brittney and Jess decided to dye their hair....I couldn't really tell a difference with Jessica but Brittney's looks really good. She went from blonde to a reddish-brown. Then spilled lemonade ALL OVER herself upon picking up her phone from the store. Jackpot! :]
She colored Jess's hair while Glee was on, and I have to re-watch that episode because we were laughing too hard at random stuff to hear the tv.
I got $20 in the mail from one of my aunts today :]
Yay for Saturday!
"how long til everyone you know becomes a thrill?"
"oh it's love<3"
I get to hang out with her Saturday though, YAY! :D
So last night....what an adventure. After classes I went to H-Burg with the roomie and some friends and was pretty much laughing hysterically the entire time. Outside of Walmart there was a bum holding a sign that said 'traveling broke and ugly anything helps'. I kid you not. Then Brittney and Jess decided to dye their hair....I couldn't really tell a difference with Jessica but Brittney's looks really good. She went from blonde to a reddish-brown. Then spilled lemonade ALL OVER herself upon picking up her phone from the store. Jackpot! :]
She colored Jess's hair while Glee was on, and I have to re-watch that episode because we were laughing too hard at random stuff to hear the tv.
I got $20 in the mail from one of my aunts today :]
Yay for Saturday!
"how long til everyone you know becomes a thrill?"
"oh it's love<3"
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Yes, I know I've already blogged about it before, but I have my heart set on going. The fact that I watched the movie Chasing Liberty last night didn't help either :]
So I've already started saving some money--slowly, but surely. From now on ALL of my change(as in coins)goes in my piggy bank Pedro. I know it sounds lame and childish, but if there is $5 in Pedro then that is $5 more towards my trip. I've also decided that 2011 is too soon, and that it's going to be summer 2012 when I go.

I'd also really like to hit Egypt and Rome on that trip as well, but at the moment I'm not sure if that is a feasible option for me. The idea of making it a Girl Scout trip has crossed my mind several times, that way I would actually have ways to raise money. If I did that Egypt and Rome might be possible.

Regardless, Prague is in the picture :]
"tell me there's a logic out there leading me to better prepare for the day that something really special might come"
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Ghandi
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Ohhhh Ignorance
Nothing super exciting has really happened here, it's mostly homework, going to the gym, and clubs. But you ready for some more ignorance? Because there seems to be a lot of that at Bridgewater College. The professor that made the socialist crack Monday, he made another one Wednesday. Someone said communism and he took that into 'America is well on the road to socialism'. Ok seriously? You need to stfu. He keeps talking about SOLs and how VAs public learning system is just throwing facts at kids so they can memorize them to pass the test. They regurgitate facts and don't think for themselves or form their own opinions on anything. They don't learn anything. I agree. He went on and on about how that was an education system made for an oppressive govt and all this other stuff. I bit my tongue, because he was making it just too easy to verbally spar with him. Oh really? You think it's oppressive? Well the only reason it's like that is because of your buddy Bush, with The No Child Left Behind Act. Not all Republican ideas are that great. Don't be hatin on my man Obama before you criticize your own people.
So in your eyes which is worse--an oppressive government or a socialist one? You're obviously set in your ways so your mind won't change, but if I had to pick, I'd go with socialism. At least everyone is equal. Too bad for you we don't live in a socialist country.
But I bit my tongue. I have to learn to control my retorts if I'm going to be Sloane's chief of staff one day. *Sigh* ohhh the stupid people...the world would just be so much better off without them.
"Its all about the he says she says bullshit. I think you better quit lettin' shit slip or you'll be leavin with a fat lip"
"Who knows what a chastity belt is? It's like metal underwear with a lock. Right? Nothing's happening there. Not unless you have a blow torch." - Dr. Vuic
So in your eyes which is worse--an oppressive government or a socialist one? You're obviously set in your ways so your mind won't change, but if I had to pick, I'd go with socialism. At least everyone is equal. Too bad for you we don't live in a socialist country.
But I bit my tongue. I have to learn to control my retorts if I'm going to be Sloane's chief of staff one day. *Sigh* ohhh the stupid people...the world would just be so much better off without them.
"Its all about the he says she says bullshit. I think you better quit lettin' shit slip or you'll be leavin with a fat lip"
"Who knows what a chastity belt is? It's like metal underwear with a lock. Right? Nothing's happening there. Not unless you have a blow torch." - Dr. Vuic
Monday, September 7, 2009
So first off I got a new blog template and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. What do you think?
So the thought of actually walking out of class today crossed my mind. So one of my professors was somehow talking about coups and how as long as it's non-violent people in America have the right to overthrow the government if they so desire. Then he was going on about how you could start your own political party with your beliefs, get followers, etc. And then he was like 'yeah, you could do Karl Marx....well, there's no point in advocating socialism because that has been recently instated as our new form of government in America.' Most people laughed but I was like 'Wow. Are you kidding me?' He either didn't hear me or ignored me. A FUCKING PROFESSOR! Is this for real? Jesus! I was so pissed. I still kind of am. Everytime he looked at me for the rest of class I would just glare at him.
Oh! And then he was talking about how he drove by a local hs in Hburg and saw a hummer in the student parking lot and was like 'well there goes the local drug dealer bucks at work.' Seriously dude? What the eff is your deal?!? Ughh!
That's all I've got for now.
Oh, and last week I had one of the best papers in his class. In your face! And i got a B+ on my polysci paper
"don't let me go"
"I am easily satisfied with the very best." - Winston Churchill
So the thought of actually walking out of class today crossed my mind. So one of my professors was somehow talking about coups and how as long as it's non-violent people in America have the right to overthrow the government if they so desire. Then he was going on about how you could start your own political party with your beliefs, get followers, etc. And then he was like 'yeah, you could do Karl Marx....well, there's no point in advocating socialism because that has been recently instated as our new form of government in America.' Most people laughed but I was like 'Wow. Are you kidding me?' He either didn't hear me or ignored me. A FUCKING PROFESSOR! Is this for real? Jesus! I was so pissed. I still kind of am. Everytime he looked at me for the rest of class I would just glare at him.
Oh! And then he was talking about how he drove by a local hs in Hburg and saw a hummer in the student parking lot and was like 'well there goes the local drug dealer bucks at work.' Seriously dude? What the eff is your deal?!? Ughh!
That's all I've got for now.
Oh, and last week I had one of the best papers in his class. In your face! And i got a B+ on my polysci paper
"don't let me go"
"I am easily satisfied with the very best." - Winston Churchill
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
First Day
So I had all five classes today, but it really wasn't too bad because 3 out of 5 ended early. My math class was only 25 minutes long, does not require a calculator, and we do everything in groups. Victory? I think so. And then this morning in polysci the professor was having us define liberal/liberalism and he goes "ok so make sure to put this part in your notes...Rush Limbaugh is an IDIOT! It took all of my will power not to burst out laughing. But hey, you gotta do what the teacher says right? =P
After that all it really was was homework, then this honor code induction, and then a reception at the president's house later tonight. The president of BC, not the United States. Man I wish! Job interview tomorrow! Ok well I have homework, so I'm out.
"eight days a week, i loooooooooooooove you. eight days a week is not enough to show i care"
"Carpe Diem"
After that all it really was was homework, then this honor code induction, and then a reception at the president's house later tonight. The president of BC, not the United States. Man I wish! Job interview tomorrow! Ok well I have homework, so I'm out.
"eight days a week, i loooooooooooooove you. eight days a week is not enough to show i care"
"Carpe Diem"
Monday, August 31, 2009
Post 2 for the night

Ok so before I forget---happy almost September. So my friend posted these two links tonight to articles that made me REALLY upset. Not like the upset crying but the angry kind of upset. And I'll post them so you can view them at your discretion.
The first link:
A pastor in Pheonix asked people to join him in praying for President Obama's death. A FUCKING PASTOR. So much for turning the other cheek. I mean seriously, who does this kind of crap? There are presidents that I have despised but I would never wish for them to die. How crazy is this guy? He views it as praying for 'spiritual warfare', not killing. Are you kidding me dude? No wonder you're getting death threats.
And the fact that he said "I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today," is so far out of line. Ted Kennedy was one of the greatest politicians in the Senate. What have you done with your life? I really feel like he should go to jail, but that isn't how things work in the land of the free. It just really bothers me that a religious figure, such as this pastor, is publicly giving interviews about this. I mean if you don't like him, you don't like him. But don't preach for his death. Ughh; I can't deal with this guy anymore...onto the next bozo
The second link:
Bob McDonnell, the Republican candidate for VA governor, slams gays and un-wed marriages. He thesis is pretty much an anti-gay, anti-gender equality movement. He attacks women for working outside the home, claiming they shouldn't be so materialistic with their American Dream. He also attacks gays, and is not willing to give them the same equal rights(or anyone for that matter)that is not a traditional family. Jesus. Talk about a right wing extremist. We CANNOT have this guy as the governor of Virginia. He obviously is still living in the past--which is now just a fantasy that women cannot work and gay people should be ostracized. Welcome to 21st century America dude. Get rid of your 19th century mindset and turn your time machine to the present. things are changing. Gay marriage is legal in some states. We have a black president, and a WOMAN Secretary of State....the third one, actually.
Rip off your security blanket and embrace the change, because it's going to happen. You can either join the movement or get trampled by it.
"they showed up at my door, a gift and a script in each hand. they said hey mr, would you play the part weve planned?"
"I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying." - Barack Obama
Finally, welcome week is over! Huzzah! :D Classes start tomorrow except not for me, because I don't have classes Tuesdays or Thursdays. So one more day of finding ways to fill my time. So we had this sexual assault info meeting today where one lady informed us on how easy it was to get raped, etc. and she told her story. It was sad. But she and her friend were really awesome and funny, and they definitely broke people's comfort barriers :)
Becca goes "If you're going to have sex it shouldn't be something you're embarrassed about! You should have MIND-BLOWING sex that makes you want to stand up after you're done and shout BAMMMMM!"
Yeah, she actually said that. Then nothing super eventful happened for a bit...I bought 2 more books for school, putting the total cost just over $600.
Then Fiesta Bingo at 9! :D I knew I wasn't going to win anything but it was still good :]]]]]]]]]]]]]
I still have to finish this paper, lol. It's getting better though, I'm getting closer and closer to being done lol
"well the stars never seem to shine as bright when youre not next to me"
"It's not the walk of shame; it's the stride of pride!" - Becca
Becca goes "If you're going to have sex it shouldn't be something you're embarrassed about! You should have MIND-BLOWING sex that makes you want to stand up after you're done and shout BAMMMMM!"
Yeah, she actually said that. Then nothing super eventful happened for a bit...I bought 2 more books for school, putting the total cost just over $600.
Then Fiesta Bingo at 9! :D I knew I wasn't going to win anything but it was still good :]]]]]]]]]]]]]
I still have to finish this paper, lol. It's getting better though, I'm getting closer and closer to being done lol
"well the stars never seem to shine as bright when youre not next to me"
"It's not the walk of shame; it's the stride of pride!" - Becca
Tylenol, Twinkies &the Beer Puzzle

This was the name of possibly THE greatest sessions of my life. It was an info session on the college life and how people don't realize just how deadly tylenol and beer are and like all that stuff. The lady doing it was really good, and REALLY funny. She gave the greatest sex talk of my entire life, no joke. She put a condom on the microphone she was using and told us that condoms remind her of little elf hats. I'm not making this up.
She refers to sex as 'that wet n wild thing' and told us "if it's wet and it's not yours, don't touch it."
Then she was telling us about how this girl had a condom stuck in her vagina and had to go to the emergency room to get it taken out. The NP said she called over to tell the ER people that the girl was on her way, and the lady at the front desk was like "oh well we've had 3 of those this morning" wtf?!?!? I would be SO embarrassed to go to the emergency room for that. Eek!
There were lots more funny things from that session, but they are not PG-13, so I won't post them =P
Oh! And did you know that one box of twinkies has a shelf life of 27 years? That's amazing and slightly disgusting at the same time.
That's all for now :)
"tell me that you're alright, everything is alright"
"Winner winner chicken dinner" - 21
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Welcome Week

So move in yesterday was pretty good, and everything yesterday was alright. I couldn't get my internet to work until just now. 7:52 the day after. Thank god it's up now lol. Welcome week needs to be over. This whole 'let's jam-pack your day with meetings and info sessions' is getting old. Classes need to start. I want to be busy and make friends. Classes start Tuesday but I don't even have them until Wednesday =/ *sigh*
Books cost almost $600, and I didn't even get them all.
I can't think of anything interesting to say right now; I miss my niece. Time to go do homework, and then see the acrobats from Kenya
"i think i'll start a new life, i think i'll start it over, where no one knows my name"
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." - Barack Obama
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Sloaner, Wisdom Teeth, and Sophia

What a day. So this morning Sloane came over. I fucking love that girl. We had so much fun :) Then i went to the dentist. Man, talk about some bad news. So basically I have to get my wisdom teeth out ASAP, because theyre growing in horizintally, not vertically. AKA the top of the tooth in a molar that breaks through your gum that you can the top part of the tooth...yeah, well, those are the SIDES of my wisdom teeth. No wonder they hurt :(
On the flip side I got new glasses today :D Meet Sophia. She helps me see when i do not have contacts in :]
Oh and by the way, Northern Virginia drivers make me fucking crazy. They need to learn how to drive.
Tomorrow is my last day in Woodbridge but I still have so much left to do! TTFN
"there's some things we don't talk about, rather do without and just hold the smile"
"I'm so unbloody hinged just being near you" - Matthew Goode, Chasing Liberty
2 More Days
Two more days until I leave for college! :D I still have soooo much stuff to do though, it's slightly ridiculous. The agenda for today: Sloane comes over in the morning while I continue to pack, dentist appointment, call HP, hang out with Angry, pack some more. i know that doesn't seem like alot but I'm not adding in all the distractions that happen during the day, lol.
Ever since I was little I've had this giant fear of going to the dentist, and I do not know why. And the fact that they're never nice to me doesn't help.
But tomorrow.................Sam and Becky come over!!! :D And hopefully Ben too, lol
That's it for now, it's only 8:19 in the morning, so I'm still not really comprehending anything.
"It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep , cuz everything is never as it seems"
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return" - Moulin Rouge
Ever since I was little I've had this giant fear of going to the dentist, and I do not know why. And the fact that they're never nice to me doesn't help.
But tomorrow.................Sam and Becky come over!!! :D And hopefully Ben too, lol
That's it for now, it's only 8:19 in the morning, so I'm still not really comprehending anything.
"It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep , cuz everything is never as it seems"
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return" - Moulin Rouge
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hello Oswald

Meet Oswald. He's my new desk lamp. Oswald is going to help me do my homework this year at Bridgewater. So last night I got the perfect pair of jeans at Nautica, and then Oswald. That was after a day in DC with Erica. It was fun. In the morning we went to The Holocaust Museum but we left early because once we hit the room with the shoes I started throwing up, and Erica saw her family's name on the wall.
So this past weekend was another Pittsburgh wedding! Tom and Jenn's wedding! It was cool. Friday night I went out with a bunch of family and was the only one that didn't have a drink. A cousin of mine had a few too many though, and was HILARIOUS. I always have fun with my family :)
Saturday = weddinggggggg! The church was really pretty, as was Jenn's dress. *gorgeous!*
There are parts of the reception that I can't remember, haha ;) That was pretty much the weekend. Fun times.
I'll post some picture from the wedding.
4 more dayssssssssssss :D
"broken skies, heartaches that flowers won't mend. say goodbye knowing that this is the end. tender dreams, shadows fall; love too sweet, to recall; dry your eyes, face the dawn life will go on, life will go on"
"Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Random! Ruh-Ruh-Random!
It's a beautiful morning, ahhhhhhhh! Actually, it's 9:30 at night, but today was my last day of work before school, and that's the way I'm feeling right now. :]
Man, I wish every shipper was as cool and low maintenance as the one that I packed for today. It was a good way to end. So it was Meh-soo(idk how to spell his name, that's how it's pronounced) and I on the job, the house was literally right around the corner from Executive, and it was only 6,000 pounds. Oh and Meh-soo had to be off work by 2, so that meant I got to bounce early as well, which was nice after all the long days I did this week.
But this morning, I was unrolling the rug runner as we went into the shipper's house and one of her young daughters was sitting on the couch watching me, so I looked over and smiled at her and she went "You're really pretty", and in my head I was like 'you're my new favorite person'. But I just smiled and thanked her. That is how the day started off :]
But seriously, this lady was so low maintenance. It was great. We worked like lightning! Although they did have a few really low ceilings, so I busted open 3 knuckles and a few spots on my hands when I was carrying the boxes in. And surprisingly when that happened blood started gushing out of the wounds, so now(you need a visual)on my left hand I have 4 band-aids: one on each knuckle for the index and ring finger, and two on the middle finger. On the right hand: there is one covering my fingernail on my ring finger, and one on the space between my first finger and thumb. And they're all Scooby-Doo band-aids. I feel slightly pathetic.
That's it for now, seeing as I still have to pack for this weekend. TTFN
"when you're at the end of the road and you lost all sense of control, and your thoughts have taken their toll when your mind breaks the spirit of your soul. your faith walks on broken glass, and the hangover doesn't pass, nothing's ever built to last; you're in ruins"
"I am MRS. Nesbit!" - Buzz Lightyear
Man, I wish every shipper was as cool and low maintenance as the one that I packed for today. It was a good way to end. So it was Meh-soo(idk how to spell his name, that's how it's pronounced) and I on the job, the house was literally right around the corner from Executive, and it was only 6,000 pounds. Oh and Meh-soo had to be off work by 2, so that meant I got to bounce early as well, which was nice after all the long days I did this week.
But this morning, I was unrolling the rug runner as we went into the shipper's house and one of her young daughters was sitting on the couch watching me, so I looked over and smiled at her and she went "You're really pretty", and in my head I was like 'you're my new favorite person'. But I just smiled and thanked her. That is how the day started off :]
But seriously, this lady was so low maintenance. It was great. We worked like lightning! Although they did have a few really low ceilings, so I busted open 3 knuckles and a few spots on my hands when I was carrying the boxes in. And surprisingly when that happened blood started gushing out of the wounds, so now(you need a visual)on my left hand I have 4 band-aids: one on each knuckle for the index and ring finger, and two on the middle finger. On the right hand: there is one covering my fingernail on my ring finger, and one on the space between my first finger and thumb. And they're all Scooby-Doo band-aids. I feel slightly pathetic.
That's it for now, seeing as I still have to pack for this weekend. TTFN
"when you're at the end of the road and you lost all sense of control, and your thoughts have taken their toll when your mind breaks the spirit of your soul. your faith walks on broken glass, and the hangover doesn't pass, nothing's ever built to last; you're in ruins"
"I am MRS. Nesbit!" - Buzz Lightyear
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
So Long, Farewell
So tomorrow is my last day at Executive, which I am thoroughly excited about. Don't get me wrong, it made me some good money and there are lots of cool people there, but I'm ready for college. And I'm also ready to not have to wake up at 5:30 every morning :]
Yesterday I got to work at 6:45 and didn't get home until 9:00. Today wasn't as dramatic, we got back a couple of hours earlier, but we had THE MOST high maitenence shipper ever. I'm not even joking either. I went on a pack and load job with two guys and it was only 2900 pounds. With a ridiculously slow crew that should take 5 hours at most, and that's if they move like turtles. We were there for eight and a half hours today. EIGHT AND A HALF HOURS!!! And it wasn't because we were slow.
Ok so first we get there and the wife is all confused because she "doesn't know where to start" and is like having a panic attack, because she can't decide where to show us what has to go first. Then Ft. Belvoir and Executive had a mis-communication, and the shippers were under the impression that we were going to pack their entire apt, when only we were packing the things that were going with the husband to Hawaii. So then they were pissed about that. Then, the guy was sexist. I don't feel like explaining the rest of the story because it's long and I'm tired, but basically he told us to pack everything and then as we were getting ready to leave he asked where like 5 things were. They're packed. Then he bitched at us and was like "you weren't supposed to pack that!" Umm, I'm sorry douche, but you told us to pack everything. And he didn't tell us he had handguns. They were in a box that wasn't labeled, so we just packed them. Then when he told us at the end, we had to go and open all the freaking boxes we packed to find them. Asshole.
In 3 days I've worked almost 35 hours. I'm exhausted and my feet are killing me, so needless to say I better be in the freaking warehouse tomorrow.
Oh&I went shopping with my dad tonight so he could have something to wear to my cousin's wedding this weekend. I have great suit taste.
"I've been swallowed up alive, shut down, building from the inside out"
"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." - Judy Garland
Yesterday I got to work at 6:45 and didn't get home until 9:00. Today wasn't as dramatic, we got back a couple of hours earlier, but we had THE MOST high maitenence shipper ever. I'm not even joking either. I went on a pack and load job with two guys and it was only 2900 pounds. With a ridiculously slow crew that should take 5 hours at most, and that's if they move like turtles. We were there for eight and a half hours today. EIGHT AND A HALF HOURS!!! And it wasn't because we were slow.
Ok so first we get there and the wife is all confused because she "doesn't know where to start" and is like having a panic attack, because she can't decide where to show us what has to go first. Then Ft. Belvoir and Executive had a mis-communication, and the shippers were under the impression that we were going to pack their entire apt, when only we were packing the things that were going with the husband to Hawaii. So then they were pissed about that. Then, the guy was sexist. I don't feel like explaining the rest of the story because it's long and I'm tired, but basically he told us to pack everything and then as we were getting ready to leave he asked where like 5 things were. They're packed. Then he bitched at us and was like "you weren't supposed to pack that!" Umm, I'm sorry douche, but you told us to pack everything. And he didn't tell us he had handguns. They were in a box that wasn't labeled, so we just packed them. Then when he told us at the end, we had to go and open all the freaking boxes we packed to find them. Asshole.
In 3 days I've worked almost 35 hours. I'm exhausted and my feet are killing me, so needless to say I better be in the freaking warehouse tomorrow.
Oh&I went shopping with my dad tonight so he could have something to wear to my cousin's wedding this weekend. I have great suit taste.
"I've been swallowed up alive, shut down, building from the inside out"
"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." - Judy Garland
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sad :[
One of my best friends moved to Colorado today :[
"there's never a wish better than this, when you only got a hundred years to live"
"Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose" - Tom Krause
"there's never a wish better than this, when you only got a hundred years to live"
"Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose" - Tom Krause
Friday, August 14, 2009
Random Fun Facts
So I've decided to make a list of all of the random fun facts about me, and all of my little quirks just for amusement. It'll be updated from time to time. Enjoy :)
Disclosure: Several of these are weird and random, but they are legit.
1. Automatic doors make me feel like a jedi
2. I have OCD when there are stray hairs on people. My mind is not at ease until I know for a fact that it is off of them. The first time I took my SAT the kid in front of me had a stray hair latched onto the back of his sweater. I couldn't focus. It would not come off, I tried.
3. I have a ridiculous fear of bridges, and not just the crazy rickety death bridges like the one in Shrek, I mean any bridge. Like when you drive over a bridge in the car, those count too. I close my eyes when that happens, or if I happen to be driving I just have a death grip on the steering wheel
4. When I eat an ice cream sandwich I have to lick the actual ice cream part in a few times around, otherwise I can't eat it.
5. Whenever I go to LaserQuest I pretend like I'm in Star Wars fighting the Death Star robots.
6. Usually when I go hiking I like to pretend like I'm in The Lord of the Rings and and re-enact it as well, adding a few of my own scenes here or there.
7. Listening to boy bands from the 90s is a guilty pleasure.
8. Give me raw meat and I will cease being your friend.
9. I need to be symmetrical. If there is a cut on my left knee but not on my right knee then I feel awkward and walk around like I don't know my place in life until I get used to it.
10. I have a tendency to get attached to and name inanimate objects. For example, my piggy bank is named Pedro, the family car is Olga, and my cell phone is Stellanor.
11. When people chew like cows it makes me want to violently shove whatever they are chewing all the way down their throat.
12. I have to have number lock on when I'm working at a computer, even if I don't use it. It eats away at my soul if it is not on.
13. I think playing in a padded room with a straight-jacket on would be really fun.
That's all I've got for now
"Everybody knows that you don't get out what you put in. Say goodbye to everything you knew, the world's about to turn on you again. There's no hope, except for me and you. But they'll be onto both of us by then, cuz that's just how it goes"
"It's 80 degrees in my mouth, and I don't mean the one up here!" *points to mouth on face* - unlisted source
Disclosure: Several of these are weird and random, but they are legit.
1. Automatic doors make me feel like a jedi
2. I have OCD when there are stray hairs on people. My mind is not at ease until I know for a fact that it is off of them. The first time I took my SAT the kid in front of me had a stray hair latched onto the back of his sweater. I couldn't focus. It would not come off, I tried.
3. I have a ridiculous fear of bridges, and not just the crazy rickety death bridges like the one in Shrek, I mean any bridge. Like when you drive over a bridge in the car, those count too. I close my eyes when that happens, or if I happen to be driving I just have a death grip on the steering wheel
4. When I eat an ice cream sandwich I have to lick the actual ice cream part in a few times around, otherwise I can't eat it.
5. Whenever I go to LaserQuest I pretend like I'm in Star Wars fighting the Death Star robots.
6. Usually when I go hiking I like to pretend like I'm in The Lord of the Rings and and re-enact it as well, adding a few of my own scenes here or there.
7. Listening to boy bands from the 90s is a guilty pleasure.
8. Give me raw meat and I will cease being your friend.
9. I need to be symmetrical. If there is a cut on my left knee but not on my right knee then I feel awkward and walk around like I don't know my place in life until I get used to it.
10. I have a tendency to get attached to and name inanimate objects. For example, my piggy bank is named Pedro, the family car is Olga, and my cell phone is Stellanor.
11. When people chew like cows it makes me want to violently shove whatever they are chewing all the way down their throat.
12. I have to have number lock on when I'm working at a computer, even if I don't use it. It eats away at my soul if it is not on.
13. I think playing in a padded room with a straight-jacket on would be really fun.
That's all I've got for now
"Everybody knows that you don't get out what you put in. Say goodbye to everything you knew, the world's about to turn on you again. There's no hope, except for me and you. But they'll be onto both of us by then, cuz that's just how it goes"
"It's 80 degrees in my mouth, and I don't mean the one up here!" *points to mouth on face* - unlisted source
Thursday, August 13, 2009
An adventure with crocs :)

The list goes as follows:
-the almost accident
-geese, part 1(that's right, there's more)
-the hand
-down syndrome
-lady at chipotle
-lady gaga joke
-geese, part 2
-the electronic cigarette
-the puddle
-Sadie's creeper
-Clay Aiken rant
-the stoplight
-black snowman
-in the ginger bin
.....all while I was wearing lime green crocs :D
Yeah, i know you're hooked. This is going to be a long blog. Long, but quite enjoyable.
So after I picked up Cat, I had to make a u-turn to get to the mall. So my light was green, and as I was turning around, someone was making a right hand turn onto the same road I was u-turning on. And his light was red. He didn't even stop. And then he looked at me like what the hell is my problem. Umm, false. Northern Virginia drivers make me crazy, because 95% of them don't know how to drive. Then, we were sitting a few lights down and there was this black dog ear sticking up over the top of the open window in the car next to us, and Cat goes "Oh that's a dog! I thought that was someone's weave! I was about to be like man they sure did fuck up her head". I'm not even sure i can describe just how hard that made me laugh. I guess if there had been drinks involved it would've rocketed itself via nostrils.
So then, we were turning from the parkway to the road to get to Chipotle and BAM! there were 5 geese, in a single file line, just standing off in the right lane. They were pretty much screaming "killll meeeeeee!" and it was just so random that it was hilarious. So once at Chipotle, of course, the line was super duper long, but it was chill. We weren't in a hurry. So I'm standing with my back towards the people facing the windows and all of the sudden Cat is like-Jen. hand. omg look at it. And there was this really icky guy putting his arm around(his wife or gf, idk which)and I'm not sure if he was like reaching around to like grab the far side of her boob or what, but he got nothing but rolls. This lady had rolls on her rolls, and he was fondling them. My gag reflex actually kicked in. It was a memory that will unfortunately be burned into my brain forever, taking up space that could be used for something knowledgable.
For the duration of our line standing at this said place Chipotle, I can't remember what I asked, but I asked Cat if she wanted to do something and she replied-"yeah I'm down, like the syndrome!" And I know you really should not laugh at something like that, but seriously--were you expecting that response? Alright then. :] Then, the lady behind us was one of those rude customers that orders like 'give me this, give me that, i need this' instead of politely asking. Maybe working in retail for 2 years has done this to me, but I mean seriously--how hard is it to be polite? It's a big pet peeve when people do that, and i was telling all of this to Cat. Apparently I was louder than I meant to be and she looked behind me and was like dude shut up, just shut up right now. I guess the lady heard me and looked like she was going to jump us. Needless to say we got the food to go.
Possibly one of the lamest and funniest corny puns of all time. How do you make Lady Gaga cry? you pokerface! Lmao, get it? Like pokerface, but you poke her face? Oh...*snorts*
So anyway, lol, on the way out the geese were on the other side of the road(the side we were on)and literally were just chillin in the middle of the road, not moving. They were geese on a suicide mission! So we went to the mall to pay Ashley a visit and on the way on at one of those little booths there was an ad for an electronic cigarette. That's right, an ELECTRONIC cigarette. So we were like wtf? and were looking at the ad...
"looks like a cigarette!
acts like a cigarette!
tastes like a cigarette!...
That was the ad playing on the tv. Some of the worst advertising I've ever seen. Then Cat was like why the fuck would anyone buy this? and I was like well duh! because it's the cooler way to die! and then she said something obscene about it that I shall edit, with the entrapenuer standing RIGHT there, glaring at us as we walked away laughing. One day Catalina and I are going to get beat up by random people for just being us. One day.
So then walking up to Shopper's(it was raining)I crossed through this puddle. It didn't look very deep, and it wasn't very wide. The phrase 'don't judge a book by it's cover' totally applies here. When i walked through it, it went UP PAST MY ANKLES! It was like I had stepped in a tide pool on the beach, not a puddle in the street. Good thing I was wearing crocs and had an instant draining system, otherwise the floor in the store would have been very wet.
Long story short, my friend Sadie has a creeper that was her waiter at Outback over a year ago, got her number, texted her about how he wanted to make out with her, waited on her tonight at Outback, and apparently lives 4 houses down from her, and reminded her of that tonight. *does awkward turtle*
Cat and I were talking about music and about how we were into the hardcore death metal music and then I was like yeah, but I mean I also listen to like...Clay Aiken too. She then proceeded to go into a rant. I was like dude don't hate on Clay Aiken! and she goes "No! I'm not hating on Clay Aiken! The ones who I hate are those dumbass girls who were surprised when he told everyone that he was gay! 'Hey I'm Clay Aiken and I'm gay' 'Really?' If that thought crossed your mind because you associate Clay Aiken with being straight, then those are the people that really deserve to get hit by a bus!" It just went on and was so beautiful
Then a red light didn't look red, but like the color of when you mix mustard and ketchup together.
Cat-"dude it's like fusia! look at it!" *stares* "wait maybe that isn't such a good idea"
Tonight was just one of those 'you had to be there' nights.
And apprently my friend Dominique puts up a black snowman in his yard at Christmas time for decoratrion. We switched from a cd to the radio and the first thing we hear is "in the ginger bin!"
Random. Ok I'm done now :)
Ohh! The guy that I packed for today looked exactly like a Russian bad guy from season 5 of 24, the one that kills Lyn McGills sister and her boyfriend, and then steals Lyn's CTU keycard and breaks into CTU with it to release syntox nerve gas into the ventilation system, but is killed by Jack because he's an effing badass. Yeah, that guy :]
"everyone's sleeping all through the house, you wish you could dream but forgot to somehow. sing this lullaby to yourself"
"People are obsessed with FarmVille beacuse they have the IQ of dairy cows! :)" - unlisted source
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Destination: Prague

I'm so stoked. Maybe there will be trails for day hikes so we won't just be sightseeing the entire time. If there are I'm sure that my mom will find them with no trouble :]
"i know you better than you'll ever know yourself, funny how it works that way. your friendly fire flies further than most everyone can tell, but i can still see your face"
"Hockeypuck, rattlesnake, monkey monkey underpants" - Lorelei Gilmore
Friday, August 7, 2009
[Insert Creative Title Here]
So today was a good and bad day, but right now I think I'm going to stick with the glass is half-full mentality.
1. All the pieces are falling together with college
2. Not only did I get offered a job for next summer at the moving company that I work for, but also one for this winter (that's kind of a big deal)
3. I got paid today
4. I was able to grab the last season of 24(season 5)on sale at Target for $20. That's right, the LAST copy. You're probably intimidated by my skills, and quite frankly I don't blame you :)
5. My mom was EXTREMELY amusing, even more than normal
6. The thought of not getting up at 5:30 tomorrow is extremely satisfying
Oh, and I have recently become re-obsessed with JAG, which was my unhealthy obsession show when i was younger. It's a seriously good show, I recommend it.
"she looked deep into you as you lay together, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer"
"love is giving someone the power to destroy you, and trusting them not to"
1. All the pieces are falling together with college
2. Not only did I get offered a job for next summer at the moving company that I work for, but also one for this winter (that's kind of a big deal)
3. I got paid today
4. I was able to grab the last season of 24(season 5)on sale at Target for $20. That's right, the LAST copy. You're probably intimidated by my skills, and quite frankly I don't blame you :)
5. My mom was EXTREMELY amusing, even more than normal
6. The thought of not getting up at 5:30 tomorrow is extremely satisfying
Oh, and I have recently become re-obsessed with JAG, which was my unhealthy obsession show when i was younger. It's a seriously good show, I recommend it.
"she looked deep into you as you lay together, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer"
"love is giving someone the power to destroy you, and trusting them not to"
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Spectacular, spectacular!
August 29th needs to get here. Right now. I got my class schedule is *crazy*
I'll get to that in a minute. So how funny is it that on a job today these two really cute little girls ran through the house with their arms in the air screaming "so many boxes! so many boxes!" Pretty darn funny, that's what. And then there was Rico singing Avril Lavigne in a ridiculously high-pitched voice, and Margarita trying to sing songs with the radio, even though she speaks very little english.
Needless to say it was a very amusing day....and then mom came home. It got even funnier. It began with her knocking the pizza off the oven and flipping it onto the floor, proceeded by numerous amounts of swear words, and then the very inappropriate jokes at dinner. I love my mom :)
I have 5 classes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. None on Tuesday and Thursday.
"Well there's a secret I've been perfecting I swore I wouldn't but you let me"
"You're Hanes. You are the fruit of his loin" - Barb Fraze
I'll get to that in a minute. So how funny is it that on a job today these two really cute little girls ran through the house with their arms in the air screaming "so many boxes! so many boxes!" Pretty darn funny, that's what. And then there was Rico singing Avril Lavigne in a ridiculously high-pitched voice, and Margarita trying to sing songs with the radio, even though she speaks very little english.
Needless to say it was a very amusing day....and then mom came home. It got even funnier. It began with her knocking the pizza off the oven and flipping it onto the floor, proceeded by numerous amounts of swear words, and then the very inappropriate jokes at dinner. I love my mom :)
I have 5 classes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. None on Tuesday and Thursday.
"Well there's a secret I've been perfecting I swore I wouldn't but you let me"
"You're Hanes. You are the fruit of his loin" - Barb Fraze
Sunday, August 2, 2009
How Do You Like Them Apples?
So yesterday was National Sister's Day and, that's right, I hung out with my sister. We didn't get what we were looking for at Target but I did find season 6 of 24 on sale, they were just in the wrong place :] Although that should be the normal price for that because season 6 was a piece-o-crap! Afterwards we just watched movies. All day. I kid you not.
We watched Made of Honor[[yay:)]] which my sister mocked but I mean hey, it's a cliche chick flick...idk what she was expecting. It's super funny though :) Then there was 21, and finally, Good Will Hunting(which I had never seen before). It was *amazing* Followed by many amusing episodes of Friends.
Work was a pain in the butt today. Blahh. I'm bored here...with this town, this city, this metropolitan area....ughh. Let's go new experiences.
"Do you know what's worth fighting for? When it's not worth dying for? Does it take your breath away and you feel yourself suffocating? Does the pain weigh out the pride? And you look for a place to hide? Did someone break your heart inside? You're in ruins"
"You do you" - Jim Smith
We watched Made of Honor[[yay:)]] which my sister mocked but I mean hey, it's a cliche chick flick...idk what she was expecting. It's super funny though :) Then there was 21, and finally, Good Will Hunting(which I had never seen before). It was *amazing* Followed by many amusing episodes of Friends.
Work was a pain in the butt today. Blahh. I'm bored here...with this town, this city, this metropolitan area....ughh. Let's go new experiences.
"Do you know what's worth fighting for? When it's not worth dying for? Does it take your breath away and you feel yourself suffocating? Does the pain weigh out the pride? And you look for a place to hide? Did someone break your heart inside? You're in ruins"
"You do you" - Jim Smith
Friday, July 31, 2009
You say goodbuy, and I say hello

I love Target. It's my crack. I went shopping for 3 things for school tonight with one of my best friends and ended up getting way more than I planned due to the fabulous prices :] In 4 years Target has only failed me once. Although the trip was overall very successful, I was deeply saddened by the fact that seasons 5&6 of 24 were on like, a mega-sale(I have seasons 1-4) and by the time I reached the shelves they were all sold out :[
This trip to Target was greatly needed after the day I had today. The worst part was sitting in traffic for almost an hour when it should have taken no more than 10 minutes to make the drive. And being tired, hungry and PMSing did NOT help.
On another note my mom just came into my room singing the theme song to Spongebob Squarepants. My niece is adorable.
"now if the world came tumbling down and time stood still then you should know that I'd be there for you my dear"
"This sticker may be dangerous and inconvenient, but I do love Fig Newtons" - Talladega Nights
Thursday, July 30, 2009
so i pretty much just got this blog for kicks and giggles. mostly due to the fact that i was bored tonight but hey, whatever floats my boat right? right. huzzah. ohhh, im going to end every post with lyrics, because without music i do believe i would cease to exist. and im also going to try and end each one with a random quote that i enjoy.
"and color the coast with your smile its the most genuine thing that ive ever seen i was so lost, but now i believe"
"mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind" - JFK
"and color the coast with your smile its the most genuine thing that ive ever seen i was so lost, but now i believe"
"mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind" - JFK
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